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Initially based in Germany where he learned the local language, Khalid studied Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Technical University in Dresden. During his vacations while at university, Khalid worked as a tour guide in Oman, and he returned there after his studies for a full-time tourism role that enabled him to do what he loves best – sharing the stories of Oman and Omanis with people from all over the world. As well as being fluent in Arabic, German and English, Khalid the founder of Sindbad Majan, has a good sense of humour, and loves his family, travelling and reading.

Having been excelling in marketing roles since 2014, Mazoon is actually a science graduate from the college of design in Oman. She enjoys using her creative skills to devise innovative marketing initiatives and campaigns for Sindbad Majan, taking an active role in all kinds of design events and workshops. She likes to spend her spare time travelling and exploring, and she lives by the motto: ‘the more you give, the more you get back.’

Having studied Process Engineering, Ghassan soon discovered his love for tourism – something quite different from his studies! Over the last 6 years, he has developed specialities in tourism consulting and tour organization, both of which give him the chance to get to know people from different cultures. He is also passionate about his country of Oman, and sharing its history and attractions with visitors from around the globe. Ghassan speaks fluent Arabic, German and English, enabling him to communicate effortlessly with Omani locals and tourists alike.

A 2003 accounting graduate from the Sultan Qaboos University, Hamed secured work in the banking sector from 2004 until 2008 when he moved into the public sector as the Head of Budgeting. During his time here, he graduated with a second degree, this time as a bachelor of science and information in finance and accounting. Outside of finance, Hamed’s interests lie in history, culture and traditional Omani music.

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